As I said in my previous blog, I would make two new envelopes to replace the one that was stolen from the display at the gallery.
Now I will keep my fingers crossed to see if it will arrive at the gallery and in what shape....
And so I did...
The one on the left I did in soft pastels and I was inspired by a work from Degas... but his work was a naked woman and because I wanted to send it by snail mail (with a post stamp by USPS) I changed the figure into a ballerina (and I love ballet).
Now I will keep my fingers crossed to see if it will arrive at the gallery and in what shape....
The one on the right, I made on Saturday. I was going to the gallery anyway, so I thought I could take it with me. It is finished, it is dry.. (acrylics dry fast).
I put it in my handbag close the zipper in one swift movement and I see a piece of the envelope sticking out between the teeth (do you call it teeth?) of the zipper...
They say that Dutch people are known to be calm under stressfull circumstances... well, there was nothing Dutch about me when that happened.
Picture this.. Me jumping around him while my partner is trying - very patiently - to release the envelope from the zipper without too much damage and he did. And of course this all happened minutes before we had to leave had go to the gallery.
I decided not to take it with me as it was somewhat wrinkled, but two days of rest did the envelope good and I am pleased to let you know that I will release it from my care this week.
So to make a long story short.... No thief nor handbag can stop me!
So to make a long story short.... No thief nor handbag can stop me!