Tuesday, June 22, 2010

10 of 10 and a painting I am working on

Here is my little artwork for the book of Doreen. No the colors are actually different in the book but you know that I distort my pics so there will be an element of surprise when the owner of the book can see it him/her self.

Tomorrow I will dash off to the post office again but this time I will add something to the package. A wonderful initiative by Carmen. She has send me a book... to be honest she has send me a second book as well... I have read both of them but I will keep the first one... I just love the book and cannot part with it.
The second is a wonderful book as well. Now the deal is simple: read it and send it on... or don't read it and send it on... or (and here is a new "rule") read it and keep it... but find a nice book to pass on. That last part, I will submit myself to it and hopefully with the next shipment of the 10 of 10, I will pass on another book.
I love to read and I think it is a wonderful idea (thank you Carmen!!!)

During the last two weeks I was crazy busy and not always in the best way. But I did find time to keep painting and below is a painting I am currently working on... some of you saw the sketch on canvas in Ily's blog and here is the result so far....  it is not yet finished so it gives you another opportunity to guess what he is looking at...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Spanking with a Feather

Last night I was in South Beach with my good friend Ily. Whenever we are there, we like to have some dinner together, a little wine and - how could one not like it - just talk about all and nothing. It is a great way to just break away from the day-to-day ups and downs.
So we sat down and shared a bottle of Pinot G. and then the strangest thing happened: Ily saw Johnny Depp!
"Where??" I asked her
"There..." pointing at some shrubs across the street. I saw a Latino looking man...
"That's not Johnny Depp... That is Juanito Depp."
"That is Johnny Depp... I tell you"
"He doesn't even look like him"
 "No, no... that is Johnny Depp... trying to disguise that he is Johnny Depp... "
(Wait, wait... there is a logic to it)

"If you were Johnny Depp wouldn't you want to be able to walk around without everybody (read: the screaming herds) following you?" She continued: "So with glasses, a wig and a different walk, nobody would recognize him."
(I told you there is a logic to it)

I could not stop laughing. That man was very, VERY good at not looking like Johnny Depp.  

After we left the restaurant.. we sat down with coffee and my cigarette (get over it... I am European...lol) A few feet away a man sat down as well to smoke a cigarette... I looked at him and turned to Ily and said:
"Look Ily... There is Mickey Rourke trying not to look like Mickey Rourke..."

And now to the title of this post... "Aaah Finally..." I hear you say. I found that a lot of times people try to out scream each other to have things done. You know the boss that is screaming and bitching, the impatient "Come on" if somebody writes a check at the supermarket, the yelling at the staff if something is not in stock...

You probably all know the expression "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar". But who want to have flies in their honey? So I changed the expression a little bit and turned it into "Spanking with a feather" and it is all about being persuasive in a sweet gentle flirty way. And it sounds so much better than the flies in the honey thing

Why is it in the title... oh well... it sounds great and for sure it got your attention...