Thursday, August 25, 2011

Out of Context

Galerie Jenner in Fort Lauderdale came up with another creative idea for a show: Buy a paint-by-numbers-kit and get inspired. Anything goes as long as it is OUT OF CONTEXT! 
So a couple of weeks ago I went to the art supply store and stood in front of all the "paint-by-numbers-kits" section, trying to figure out which one to choose and what to do with it.
Anyway, I choose the kit numbered "PJS49" and that is also the title of the painting.

I worked with the subject and let myself be inspired by this kit. 
It was for me a complete out of context experience and I had a lot of fun with it and I think that it shows in this work. For now I only show you a little piece of the whole painting (30 x 40").

If you want to see the whole painting and all the other creations based on painting-by-numbers-kits, come to Galerie Jenner on Saturday October 15th.


LL Cool Joe said...

Ha ha love it! What a creative idea!

Riot Kitty said...

Very cool indeed.

Holland said...

LLCJ: Me too... although I was slightly embarrassed trying to find the right kit at the art supplies
RK: It is... and soon I will put out the whole painting...;-)

Granny Annie said...

Wait a minute. When you said "come to Galerie Jenner" did you mean literally come to the galerie? I kept looking for a link to click to see your painting. Boo, I can't get there. What a neat and fun idea.

Holland said...

Annie, Yes that is what I meant.... lol. But after the openings reception I will put the whole painting up on Facebook.

Ileana said...

Annie she's a tease...what'd you expect?? lol Actually, whatever you come up with will be a hit! I wish I were joining you.

Holland said...

I am not the only tease here.... have you noticed the dates have changed... you can still participate...;-)

Ileana said...

Yes, I plan to. :)