Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A thief with taste...

About a month ago an Art Gallery in Coconut Grove, FL made a call to artists to send in their Mail art. Mail art, for those who do not exactly know what this is, is art created on an envelope or a handmade postcard. It can be anything, drawing, painting, mixed techniques, stamps, prints... you name it.. all is possible. But it have to be send in by mail with a post stamp
I participated and send in this little jewel.
Today I went to the same gallery to hand in a painting for a new exposition that will start with a nice opening on Saturday April 4th. While I was there the owner came up to me and told me that my envelope was stolen from the display.
I went over to the display... checked every envelope - believe me there are a lot - and while I was searching the whole display I could not believe it....
Mail art may not look like much to some people, but an artist put time and effort into it and it is work on display! Somebody walked in and grabbed it... yeah, it is gone.
I will make a new one.... darn, I will make even two new ones! And although I am upset with the person who stole my mail art, I have to admit...
It is a thief with taste...


geewits said...

What a terrible loss! Aren't you glad you took a picture? It's really gorgeous. Scarlet sent me over, and I must say I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.

Greg C said...

Obviously this thief had good taste. I think a simple "I love your work" would have been much nicer though.

Welcome to blogging. A blogger friend of mine who wishes to remain nameless sent me here. All I can say is she has red hair and lives in Miami and her family is from someplace near Key West but further south. I am not mentioning names though. :)

Scarlet said...

This is terrible...but there is a huge compliment in all of this. If someone wants your artwork so badly that he/she risked shoplifting for it, well in a way that's flattering. I can only hope something like this happens to me someday. ;)

Holland said...

Geewits: You are so right... I was really happy that I have a picture of my mail art and I also have a picture of it on the display at the gallery (pheww, at least some I hope that soon I can download more of my work on my blog.

Greg C: That is actually a good idea... I might put it on my next mail art: " Please don't steal my envelope, just leave a compliment!" hmmm... a nameless referral... red hair... Miami, and relatives beyond Southpoint... must be Scarlet!

Scarlet: Hey Cuba!!! Yes, it is flattering but I do prefer the "leave a compliment" way Greg suggested...