I went to South Beach to meet up with my friend
Ily. I left home at half time in the soccer match between Germany and Spain. It was still 0-0. The team that wins this match will play in the finals against Holland (no not me ...lol). Secretly I am rooting for Spain, because then we have two teams that never won a world champion cup in the finals, and I was not alone: Paul the octopus also rooted for Spain.
So far the two year old Octopus predicted all the German matches correctly in this world cup and he choose Spain as the winner.
The moment I arrived in South Beach I asked a woman in a German shirt who won and she looked at me as if I was from another planet, then noticed my orange toe nails and the orange scarf around my head and grumpily spitted out the words I almost expected (due to Paul the octopus' prediction): "Spain did...1-0, the Germans did not play." I had to swallow my cry of joy and thanked her for telling me. When she walked away I did a little victory dance as if I made that goal.
I met with Ily at the Mediterranean restaurant on Lincoln Road and we sat down for some food, wine and conversation... and we ended up discussing what we would do if we would wake up as a man (for 1 weekend). Well I know for sure that Ily would wake up as Johnny Depp. No doubt about that.
But more interesting is the question if we would be a heterosexual or homosexual man for that weekend... What would you choose if you woke up in the body of the opposite sex?
Also Ily gave me a beautiful CD with Brazilian music (to be played whenever she has dinner at my place prepared by the hitman). I asked her if she was serious about giving Brazilian music to a Dutch woman and she thought I was not happy... I was very happy with it as I do like Brazilian music and even more so now as the Dutch team won from the Brazilian team... Yeeeaaaaahhhh!!! (sorry, I just can't help myself)
And here I am showing how difficult it is to fit multiple objects (a shared dessert, espresso and myself) in a small screen of a digital camera... but somehow we manage...
After dinner we went for a walk over Lincoln Road where Ily took this really great shot of me...
I don't know but I think it shows how happy I am with the Dutch team... (hmmm why do I keep coming back to soccer these days...)
Have a great week and cheer for Holland this Sunday!